Sunday, March 24, 2019

Inspirational books: Educated - Tara Westover

Would you accept without batting an eye, or maybe even after a thought that some one with no formal primary education, could make it into Cambridge and then Harvard and finish of with a PhD. That is the story of Tara W who grows up as a Mormon kid in a dysfunctional family, breaks with the family tradition and finds a life in the real world away from the isolated community that she grew up in. A community that home schooled their children, never visited a doctor, no matter what your ailment was, was deeply religious and had a life centered around a family junkyard!! An inspirational story which reminded me of another book (the Hilly Billy Elegy) about the red necks of the coal belt of America. Both exceptional books which could shake you up and think, why YOU with all that you have cannot seem to make it in the world.