Life in Canada is centered around weekends when one can take a breather ( read that as catch up with what you could not do during the week)
This weekend ( Jun 01-03)
There was a major activity scheduled from my work for this weekend. Coordinating that required me to spend a few additioanl hours & eventually managed to reach home around 7pm
Anita went off to do some Realting work ( & forgot her house keys) & Aayush with his dear friend Young to play b'ball.
Antrix and me suddenly realized we were free to go off for Squash at the local YMCA. Antrix wanted to do weights and I did not ( after all I do not want to stop my growth in my formative years) so I opted to go for a swim
The game went well ( Antrix has really come up very well in squash)and just as we were on our way to the weights/ pool respectively-- Anita rang up to say that she was locked out. I sped back to resuce the "maiden" while Antrix opted to do some weights
The evening was spent catching up with my work while Anita did her work. There is another pressure for me currently. I need to deliver a lecture for PMI ( Project Mgmt Institute) to keep my certification current-- they dont pay you but give you points for certification continuity--- smart move eh!!

( The Squash player & the currently blistered Tennis pro)
Aayush & me played some great Tennis at the McKenkie Community center. I am really fortunate that Antrix plays squash & Aayush plays tennis ( both my favourite games) Unfortunately Aayush developed a blister on his right hand which gradually and reluctantly brought the game to a stop .
Tennis was followed by a great b'fast of Sewian sprinled with Dhaniya and Orange juice. After that Aayush headed out to do some "work" - He had a contract to mow a neighbours lawn for 30 bucks. Took him a bit longer than expected but he did it
Anita was out again at 12 noon showing property again. This time to a young Romanian couple. ( The wife is ver good looking she has told me a few times) -- I am hoping I can accompany her to assist in some vauge manner in the future
We watched "Oceans 12" in the evening with the customary Pizza
Aayush's blister and a nagging cold from the day before precluded any Tennis today. I went for a run instead. This was followed by 2 hrs of mowing our own lawn and some weeding. To my horror I discovered that our Cherry tree has got infected with aphids
In the post lunch period we did the customary round of Costco & home depot ( for some inscecticide for the cherry tree
As Sunday draws to a close the normal work stresses start to surface- -I will have to start re checking my emails and priming myself for the week ahead