Sunday, June 24, 2007

School Holidays Begin

Last week the schools closed for the summer after the inevitable climax leading upto the final exams. Aayush studied late into the night ( "IB students have a lot to cover "he tells me ) -- I remember I used to do the same to cover up lost ground in the semester. Its been video games and friends ever since for Aayush, but to be fair to him , Aayush has taken the trouble of clearing out his room of all the academic and other clutter that was accumalated over the school term
Antrix has taken it on himself to be regular at the gym and catch up on his guitaring. He is working part time as well. So every evening we find the car disappear as he takes of either on one of his impulsive trips to Long & Mcquade ( the local guitar shop) or to his work or the YMCA

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