This weekend we drove to Univ of Waterloo. The aim was to show / get any additional info that was needed to help to Aayush make a decision on his Univ selection next year. We attended the Engineering and the Science open houses where we focuesd on the Mechatronics and the Business and Science options. Later we drove to Antrix's room at Cambridge to stock up his fridge. Here (above) you can see him in his room stowing away all the food. Antrix stays on his own and is managing an individual existence. The difference from the time almost 30 years back when I did my engineering is vast.
Driving to the Waterloo and back is scenic and one realizes that the winter is almost on us. Last week we had a few flurries and it seems that the "white stuff" will be coming down very soon.
Here is late afternoon pic from just outside our home and one taken on the Diwali weekend-- ( shows you the conditions under which we played Diwali)

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