After four long years ( I have never stayed this long in any place- -three yrs has been the max) we signed on the dotted line today to sell our house to a Cuban couple Idael Rey and Yadelys Dominguez. We had quite a line up of realtors and their clients outside our house, all vying to get the deal. It was quite an experience. In the pic above ( left to right) you can see yours truly, our Realtor Anita, Idael and Yadelys and their little daughter who has given Anita firm instructions not to sell the house to anyone else now!!
Since we missed the buyers realtor, Alfredo, who clicked the picture above here is another pic with Alfredo Lorenzo and the new owners
Attatchment is quite natural of any thing associated with for some time. To live in the house for four years, and then hand it over gives a hangover for long time.
However the change should bring you all, a better and comfortable living. Our best wishes and blessings.
Papa and Ma
That was a quick one,post as well as the deal.Congrats and all the best for new house hunting.
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