Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Junnu Bawa

It was great catcing up with Junnu Bawa at AVI in Noida over a bottle of beer. ( Incidently I had been looking fwd to having a full 750ml of Kingfisher beer as against the small ones we have in the west)
Jhunu has'nt changed & thankfully never will. He was full of stories on how life has treated him and filled me up on common friends as well. Tina was off to Chandigarh for a wedding and i was able to speak with her on a cell phone even as her Shatabdi pulled into Chandigarh. They are to move back to their Noida home shortly. I also learned that there is a possibility of his showing up in Canada very soon --( I must learn how to make Bloody Marys)
A pleasant 2 hrs later I saw him being whisked away in an Ikon by a cell phone toting chauffer

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