I took the opportunity to call on a few good friends at Tata Infotech ( Now merged with TCS). Tata Infotech closed their offices at 5 Sikandra Road and moved to the TCS office at Parliment street sometime in 2005. I called VK & Rakesh ( in pic ) and both sounded very happy to meet with me later that day. Sonia & Piu ( my neices) loaned me their Scorpio ( very brave of them ) for the trip down to Delhi and I ventured onto the left hand lawless streets of Delhi. Driving was not that bad as I had imagined & having driven in India for 20 years earlier. I also met with a bunch of others ex TIL/now TCS folks and shared their grief on parting with Sikandra Rd. Meeting them felt very nice and it was great to catch up on old friends. No matter where I go , I will always have that soft corner for Tata Infotech.
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