It was our wedding anniv today and it turned out to be a wettish windy day. We bought an assortment of cakes. Surprisingly Ant and Aay ate very little and I ate most of it. I promised myself that the next day I would "run it all off" and since it is a weekend I would probably be able to swim some of it off as well.. we'ell see -- tomorrow is another day. We decided to take a couple of pictures as well , various shades of smiles and relaxed poses.. finally Anita approved one ( the one on top) . We breakfasted at Paneera which let us down a bit but made up for it with its attrociously priced hazlenut coffee with honey. In the evening we saw "State of Play" a movie which was ummm OK ( 3 stars) & then since it was Canada where eating joints close at 10 or earlier on a saturday, we ended by eating from a Subway.
hi,where is the pic!!!!
you wrote one on the top??
anyways we thought both of u were on a date (no disturbing)
all in all a nice day spent together.
once again a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to both of you.
sorry -- It was late last night when I finished the write up and I was experencing some issues in uploading the pics--here it is now
hi...belated wishes uncle..i spoke to masi though..u guys look good...nice pic :)
Dear Dipu Anita,
Real smart picture! May you both keep looking the same in all yr coming anniversaries! God bless you . Once again a very happy anniversary.
Ma Papa
Both of you are looking gr8.Who gets the credit for the clicking this beautiful picture ? Neeraj You have tell me and kulu how to keep fit,trim and young when we met next.
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