Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kenya Nov-Dec 2011

Jumbo everyone. ( That is the Sawhali word for greetings) We made a trip to Kenya this winter and clicked this at the Thompson Falls on the outskirts of Nairobi. This is where the fabled Olympic Kenyan runners practice.. infact we did catch a glimpse of them jogging past in the distance while I was running to find a washroom ( I have a future - would'nt you agree)?

& that is the Thompson Falls.. its not going to solve the worlds energy problems but it was a pretty sight.. bad camera NOT bad photoghrapher.

I needed a typical African picture - acacia trees, Giraffes, and the undulating african savanah streatching away to the horizon-- well i almost got all of it -- almost

We crossed the equator too a couple times and got educated on a curious phenomenon-- In the northern hemisphere, water draining vertically downwards from a vessel drains with a clockwise circular motion and anti clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Dont tell me you knew this - we were never taught this AT ALL, right through grade school

We hobnobbed with the cheetah's

rode an ostrich

Fed a Kelly the Giraffe.

Incidently these Rothschild giraffes live in the backyard of a Kenyan resident. there are only approx 600 of these beauties left and this guy had 9 of them

.. and danced with the Masai

any one wants to see more pics???


Unknown said...

yes yes yes..more pictures pls..love the pictures and their introductions :)

aayush said...

haha nice, if any1 stumbles across your jumping pic on the internet will so context, they will b so confused.

aayush said...

haha nice, if any1 stumbles across your jumping pic on the internet with no**** context, they will be so confused.

Anonymous said...

so does the water turn clock wise right across the equator or at a good distance from that line