Sunday, June 24, 2007

Niagara Trip

Who says Mummy cannot walk? We saw her walk more than 1.5kms along the Niagara falls this Saturday & that too under stress of a deadline (1hr) to be able to make it in time for the trip on the "Maid of the Mist". Ant/Aay/Ani took turns in propelling her forward while I took pictures ( I always get the easiest jobs). Some people stared at us as "slave drivers " who must have wondered why we did not cater for a wheelchair for mummy. Little did they know that we made a valiant( but failed) attempt in the morning to procure one.

There was an impromptu debate whether the Niagara falls was a "wonder of the World". We never got around to confirming that but the sheer volume of the water that flows through the falls is a wonder by itself

Mummy did well and though exhausted thoroughly enjoyed herself. At the end of it all she echoed what most visitors have to say-- why has God blessed this country with so much while depriving India of the same??!!
Ant drove us back from Niagara , I think his first on a highway at night while I sat behind and caught up with some work.

1 comment:


The pics & comments, make me eager to visit CANADA.
For us it really seems a wonder of the world.
Really fascinated by the Maid Of The Mist-should be an experience to be felt.